These double-edged stainless steel blades fit tightly in your razor, giving you the closet shave and smoothest skin. Traditional safety razors have a small gap between the blade and the frame, allowing hairs to escape the head of the razor, rather than getting stuck like disposable heads.
RAZOR BLADE RETURN SCHEME: Ready for new blades? Simply send us your old ones to be disposed of and recycled. For every 5 blades returned you’ll get £1 off your blades refill pack! 👌
- STEP ONE: Wrap the blades in something protective e.g. tissue paper/ toilet roll.
- STEP TWO: Put in an envelope and include your name and email so that we can send you your discount code.
- STEP THREE: Pop on a stamp (usually enough to cover postage unless you are sending 10+ back at a time).
- STEP FOUR: Post them to us at UpCircle Beauty, 316 Blucher Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 0LH
Age Restricted Item: It is illegal in the UK to purchase razor blades and razors when under the age of 18. By placing an order for this product, you are confirming you are over the age of 18. Furthermore, the delivery driver may request valid proof of age to confirm you are over the age of 18.